Well, the 4000 Microsoft Points Generator has been updated now. It is up for downloads now. I am still updating the rest.
Meanwhile, I will show you where I get these Xbox Live codes at.
There is this website called Prizerebel in which gives away various kinds of codes (Ultimate Gamer Cards, League of Legends, Xbox live, PSN, etc) when you complete surveys. You get the right amount of points and you can redeem a code. The codes are sent instantly to you so that is just awesome for me.
Surveys are not hard at all to complete. In fact, some of you people have been doing surveys on this blog to get the free Xbox Live I offer. Well those are the same on Prizerebel so you may already know how to do that. They have tutorials, I may post one up just to show you guys how easy this is.
They have daily code giveaways in which they give you part of a code and you guess it. They reveal one character of the code every hour so guessing is not hard at all.
There are raffles as well. Enter and you can win lots of points for Xbox Live codes.
If you want to check out the site and get some free Xbox Live and Microsoft Points codes, then go for it. This is where i get them at.
Here is a video of me completing an offer. It is not hard.
Here is my list of completed offers. May this list help you on Prizerebel as these offers credited me instantly and they are very easy to complete. I will keep on updating this list.
Also, be sure to create or use spam emails for the offers. The offers you complete will spam the hell out of the email you provide them with. I use iMacros to create new yahoo email accounts everytime i need one. NEVER use disposable or fake emails that don't exist because that will most likely force Prizrebel to reverse or take back the points you earned from completing the offer.
Information that you enter into offers does not have to be yours. Make up a name, address, DOB, etc, but make sure it is a real one. It doesn't have to be yours generally.
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